We support banks, processor, terminal vendor, L3 application developer to accept their terminal with international and domestic schemes requirements and get the certification. To increase in volume of your transaction acceptance with latest technology and be a market leader in your geography.
Support in terminal integration process and acquiring host certification for all the major acceptance brand world wide
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Our experts support banks in migrating the cards to latest technology for all the payments schemes, Choosing the correct profile which helps the bank customers where there issuing cards will accepted in all type terminals around the globe
Support in card personalization, validation of card as per the requirement and issuing host certification for all the major acceptance brand in world wide
You need our expertise?
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Core team has more than 30 years of experience in managing, architecting, developing and maintaining software applications in payment and BFS domain. We in Accezz Minds, have a team of experts are experienced on the all sort of niche software technologies in the market.
We in Accezz Minds, have a team of experts are trained and certified on PCI-DSS. As PCI-DSS is the global standard for securing card holder data, we are providing the support to our customers to get implemented with right solutions and certified on PCI-DSS.